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  2. Bronco Max
  3. Troubleshooting Common Print Errors

Bronco Max: Code 255

Code 255 indicates that LableForge Pro desktop cannot detect or confirm the ribbon and supply type.

The LabelForge Pro software requires information about the label material, size, color and appropriate printer settings from the smart chip in the ribbon and tape in order to interface with the printer. Without access to this information, the software cannot display the appropriate canvas and background. In some instances, the printer driver may require elevated security permissions in order to communicate with the printer.


  1. Set the driver as the default. This may help the software register the correct printer and supplies.
  2. Ensure that the driver security permissions are elevated for all users by navigating to Control Panel > Device and Printers > right click the DuraLabel driver > Printer Properties > Security at the top > check “Allow” under Print, Manage this printer, and Manage documents for all Groups and usernames including All Application Packages > Once you’ve checked Allow for all levels, hit Apply. The driver may freeze. If so, power cycle the printer to complete the changes.
  3. Power cycle the printer to ensure that it is not stuck in error status.
  4. Close and then open the software in order to reestablish communication with the printer.
  5. Open and close the lid to ensure the printer is registering the lid closure. The lid must be closed in order for the software to detect the supplies. Press firmly on the lid to determine if there is a weak switch connection.
  6. Confirm that the background and object colors selected in the software match the label and ribbon color loaded in the printer.
  7. Ensure that the roll of label stock is from DuraLabel by confirming the part number. BroncoMax supply will start with T...
  8. Confirm the end cap with the DuraLabel label and smart chip are facing the antenna.
  9. Load a different roll of label material into the printer in order to test if the software is failing to read multiple rolls of supply.
  10. Ensure that the ribbon is from DuraLabel by confirming the part number. BroncoMax ribbon will start with M...
  11. Confirm the ribbon chip is still present in the cartridge and has not shifted or slipped out of its housing.
  12. Remove the ribbon from the printer and then reseat the cartridge to ensure that the ribbon chip is making contact with the ribbon pins in the printer.
  13. Load a new or different ribbon into the printer to determine if issue is with the current ribbon or all ribbons.
  14. If the error continues contact Tech Support or your Account Manager for further instructions.