Create Chemical Labels in LabelForge PRO

The Chemical Labeling module uses a searchable, editable database of chemical information to make GHS-style container labels.


 The module allows you to use the HazCom 2012 format (US/OSHA), or standardized GHS (UN/international).


Chemical Labeling Toolbar

The toolbar across the top of the screen shows some common controls and options for the Chemical Labeling module.


  1. Hamburger Menu: Access common file options, such as creating a new record, saving records, and exporting label designs.
  2. Country/Authority Menu: Choose the format for your chemical labels: OSHA's HazCom 2012 format, the UN.s international GHS format, or a custom style.
  3. Search Records: Search LabelForge PRO's GHS-style chemical database by product name or identifying number.
  4. Record Number: Identify the current record, out of the current database or search results.
  5. Zoom Out/In/Fit: Adjust your view of the design to allow fine-tuning.
  6. Close: Close the Chemical Labeling module.

Navigating Records in the Database

The fastest way to find a specific record in the Chemical Labeling database is with the toolbar's search function.

  1. Choose whether to search by Product Name or one of the material's identifying numbers (UN number, CAS Number, or EC Number). The default search is by chemical name; to change this selection, click the current search type (such as "Name") in the toolbar, and make a new selection.
  2. Type your search terms in the search box, and click the magnifying glass button or press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. The first match (in alphabetical order, by equipment name) will be shown in the design area. Use the right or left arrows in the toolbar to browse through the search results.

The number in the white box on the toolbar shows which search result you are currently seeing; the number below the box shows the total number of search results. If you do not enter any search terms, you can browse through the entire current database.


Creating and Editing Chemical Records

To create a new entry in your current chemical database, click the New Record button in the menu on the right. This creates a new, blank record. The Edit menu will slide out to let you add the details for this new material. (To edit an existing chemical entry, simply find that entry in the database and click the Edit Record button in the menu.)

All the information that is needed for a complete label can be found in the material's Safety Data Sheet (SDS). If that document is not available, contact the material's supplier for more information.

  1. Edit Label: Set the basic details for this entry, such as the product name, identifying numbers, signal word, and any supplemental information.
  2. Hazard Symbols: Click on a symbol to make it appear on this label. Current symbols will be highlighted in orange; click on the symbol again to remove it.
  3. Hazard Statements: Click this button to open a new window and select the hazard statements for your material.
    1. In this window, select an appropriate statement from the full list on the left (sorted by reference code). To find a specific statement, type in the search box in the lower left. When the desired statement has been selected, click Add Statement to add it to the current list, on the right.
    2. For hazard statements with additional details, select the statement and type the appropriate information in the parameter fields in the lower right. For compliance with standards, hazard statements cannot be freely edited.
    3. If you need to remove a statement from the current list, select it and click Remove Statement.
    4. When you've added the appropriate Hazard Statements, click OK to continue.chemical-labeling-module-hazard-statements-labelforge-pro
  1. Precautionary Statements: Click this button to open a new window for these statements. As with Hazard Statements, select a statement from the left and click Add Statement.
    1. As with Hazard Statements, select an appropriate statement from the full list on the left (sorted by reference code). To find a specific statement, type in the search box in the lower left. When the desired statement has been selected, click Add Statement to add it to the current list, on the right.
    2. Precautionary statements can be edited by selecting a statement and typing. You can also add a blank statement with the Create Statement button to add your own customized text. Individual statements are separated by periods.
    3. If you need to remove a statement from the current list, select it and click Remove Statement.
    4. When you've added the appropriate Precautionary Statements, click OK to continue.
  1. Supplier: If you have already entered information for the supplier or other responsible party, you can select that organization from the drop-down list. To add a new supplier or edit supplier information, click the small Edit button next to the drop-down menu; this will open a new window for supplier details.

When the details have been entered, click the Save to Database button to add your new entry to the Chemical Labeling module's current database. The Save Label button will export your current label design to its own file, so you can adjust the design in the Label Designer module. If you want to remove the current record from the database, click the Delete Record button.

Templates, Sizes, and Settings

To print chemical labels in different sizes, open the Label Settings menu and select the appropriate template with the drop-down Label Size menu. In the same menu, you can also choose a font for the text of your label.

This menu also lets you select which chemical database you are using, if more than one database is available.

Printing a Label

When you are ready to print, click the Print Settings button. Here, choose which labels you want to print, and how many copies of each. You can also check a Print Preview here.

Click the Print button to start the new print job.

More Support Options

If you have any questions about using LabelForge PRO label design software, get help from Duralabel's world-class support team by calling 800-788-5572 or visiting We're here to help with all your labeling needs!